Black life (9)
Black life (9)

Black life (9)


I have a dream he said. I have a dream…
What is the dream for the future now?
Is it the same dream?

Nothing but a dream

What’s the dream for the world?
In 19 years from now…
What’s the dream for the world?

Are we just going keep eating while others barely eat?
Or are we are going to keep growing our families while others lose their family to preventable circumstances
Are we going to keep seeing those on the streets begging or writing on cardboard boxes ‘please, please help me’?

Or are we going to take those people from the streets and put them away so no one could see those who are an embarrassment to society

What is society?
What is society?

Laws? Laws? Made by who? Who made these laws?

Is it a dream or is it a reality created by society? It’s a dream! Created by society and made to our reality. Where we can not see one another as human beings. Where we cannot see the living creatures that share this planet with humanity. Where we cannot see that these laws and policies that we follow… are just… another dream… created by society and made into our reality

so maybe we are dreaming the wrong dream?

…there are people in this world… who have more than enough… but keep wanting more…for what I don’t know… there are people in the world… who think they are above…above those “small” people

because those small people don’t work hard enough… and those small people didn’t get the education like they did. And those small people are just different…

there are people in this world…who love the flashing lights…
love to see their face… love to see their face…love to see their face…

there are people in this world who are living a dream…a dream that’s become reality… but it’s not the best dream… oh, not the best dream… We …we… we…we… we…
what would they say? what would our ancestors say to us?
Because in the end… we are all going to be dust
Oh, in the end, we are all the same thing… we are one… dust blending into dust… dust blending into dust… dust blending into dust…

and oh how we love to dust away the dust.